Supporting and Empowering Women. Saving Lives.


Banquet Videos

Below you will find recordings of our most recent 8th Annual Banquet for Life as well as the two previous years’ banquets. This year there were complications with the video which were beyond our control and so we are only able to provide the audio for both the short and full versions of the recordings. We believe you will still be blessed by our speaker’s message!

We are also delighted to present you with videos of our touching and heartwarming 7th Annual Banquet for Life. One is full length (about 70 minutes) minus dining time, the other is a shortened highlights video (about 45 minutes).

For your additional viewing pleasure we also have from 2020’s 6th Annual Banquet for Life the full-length video (about 75 minutes long, which will give you almost the full banquet experience except for the dining time) and shorter highlights video that is 20 minutes long. Enjoy and be blessed!

2022 Banquet: Victoria Robinson

2022 Banquet (short version)

2021 Banquet: Steventhen Holland

2021 Banquet (short version)

2020 Banquet: Jor-El Godsey

2020 Banquet (short version)

We do not offer, recommend or refer for abortions, abortifacients, or contraceptives, but are committed to offering accurate information about abortion procedures and risks.